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Ben's mailing address at the mission home:

Anziano Charles Ben Thomas
Italy Milan Mission
Via Antonio Gramsci 13/2
20090 Opera MI

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, New Companion

Ciao tutti!
This week has been great and a lot has happened so I'll start from the beginning. We had transfers this week and so we all went to Milano. There I was able to say goodbye to Anziano Webb and Ellsworth. I also got to eat and Burger King because they have one in the station. Anyway so after I ate I met my new companion Anziano Hansen from Bountiful, Utah. So we grabbed his luggage and took off to Genova. Once we got to Genova Anz. Hansen asks me how he can't believe I fit all my stuff into one bag. I was like what are you talking about?? We found out that we took someone elses bag from the station! So we made some calls and we had to take another 2 hour train ride all the way to back to Milano to give the bags back. Haha uhhh... then we took a train back to Genova again. So for that day I was in the train for a total of 8 hours. It was funny though just a big misunderstanding but anyways we got back in Genova and had 20 minutes before 9. So I was like lets talk to a few people before we go in. So we did and we ended up getting two numbers and now have an investigator!! Super cool miracle I feel like the Lord maybe wanted that I was on the train for 8 hours so we could find him.
The first day was pretty tough after I got Anziano Hansen. Just that when we were doing finding work everyone was so mean to us. It was so weird because usually it's not like that. But I was cool because Anziano Hansen does this cool thing called counting rejections. At first I thought it was ridiculous. Like why would I do that? But he did it from 6-8 at night and it was cool to see how many people we talked to in such a short time in the end we talked to 84 people and a lot of the time we were having some good conversations.
With the other Anziani leaving we got all their investigators. One of these investigators is Phillip. Phillip is from the Ivory Coast and has been in Italy for a few years now. He speaks his dialect, French, English, and Italian. When we see Phillip we go to the hospital because he has no legs. About a year ago he was in a car accident in which the driver died and he was severely injured. His face is all burnt up and right now he's waiting for prosthetic legs. We gave him a baptismal date for the 2 of February and he said yes. In that time he'll be reading and praying to God if it's true. He's a really great a sincere guy. Two weeks ago he came to church and it was really powerful to see the members in our ward help him out. Since he's at the hospidale they give him a wheelchair but he can't leave without it so members drove to the hospital brought a chair and carried him around for church. He really liked it but felt a little embarrassed that he was carried around by the members. But he should come this Sunday!
This Sunday I gave a talk to the ward and it went really well. The first counciler in our ward asked me to talk about my preparation for a mission. So I only had 3 days notice and worked really hard. I wrote it out but didn't get a chance to go over it as much as I wanted to so I wouldn't be reading from it the whole time. But I was short on time. What was cool was I didn't read any of it I just spoke everything I wanted to say! It was great!
The work has started to explode and within 3 weeks we will have soo many investigators because many are coming back from vacation! Things are going great I'm learning alot of patience right now and how to serve better. In fact today I finished the Book of Mormon again! Love it everytime I read it I understand more and my testimony grows so much more. Hope alls going well. It's weird that we are in 2013! We had to be inside by 7 at night because it get dangerous outside haha. Love you all!
Anziano Thomas

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